Supermodels Aren’t Skinny Just By Chance – Learn Their Secrets!

Supermodels Aren’t Skinny Just By Chance – Learn Their Secrets!


In this world of fashion and image, a gap exists between the images of beauty we see in magazines and on TV and the real world. Given our stressful, fast-paced lifestyle, it is increasingly difficult to adhere to a healthy diet and fitness program.

At some point, many people simply give up on having a supermodel’s body.

The premise behind The Model’s Diet, however, is to utilize the dieting and fitness secrets of the world’s top models to give you proven methods that work. After all, a model’s body is their livelihood; they have a lot invested in taking good care of themselves so that they can continue to perform in one of the most demanding industries.

Just think – you don’t have the pressure of using your figure to make end’s meet. All you have to do is learn the secrets and get skinny!

Designed by top models, fitness experts, and nutritionists, The Models Diet offers you a comprehensive program that is safe, quick, and effective. It doesn’t rely on fad diets or erroneous nutrition information, but rather the time-tested methods of professional models that lead to a thin, healthy, and fit body.

Don’t wait any longer – click here to learn more about how you can get started on having the body you’ve always dreamed of!


The shocking but surprising trick that’ll make men thirsty for you…


My name is Kelsey and I’d like to share my weird
story with you today…

“Don’t be stupid Kelsey; we are just good
friends and nothing else.”

“Hey but why not?” I asked with a sad puppy

“Because…We are friends.”

“Says who”, I asked?

“Well, I just feel we make better friends. So
let’s just keep it at that.”

I felt like a fat kid trying to climb a
mountain, no matter how hard I worked, I
always rolled back down.

I seriously liked this guy, but all he saw in me
was a friend & nothing else.

The message was loud and clear.


==> I wasn’t allowed.

I wasn’t allowed to have him anything more
than a simple “FRIEND”.


Here is the part which sucks.

This same man would approach random women
right in front of me and make a complete fool
of himself.

What the heck is this…I thought.

What does he see in other women?

Why doesn’t he feel anything for me?

How do I make him love me?

These questions were burning inside me &
were eating me from within.

However, have you heard of Murphy’s laws?

If not…

It basically states – If anything can go
wrong it will.

Plus – It will all be your fault, and everyone
will know about it.

It seemed like Murphy didn’t just enter my
life, but he decided to stay with me permanently.

But, I wasn’t going to give up.

I wanted him to like me and I was willing to do
whatever it took to make it happen.

I don’t know if it was a matter of pure luck or
accident, but I discovered something which just
didn’t make this guy like me, it actually made him
“LOVE” me like crazy.

Moreover, within a very short amount of time, I turned
into a true “Man Magnet” and men started flocking to
me like bees to honey.

What did I discover that changed everything for me
you ask?

I’ll tell you about it in a second, but before that let me
explain something important…

Have you ever seen a woman who can make any
guy go absolutely crazy for her, and do the
dumbest and sometimes even embarrassing
things to please her?

And at the same time have you ever seen a
woman who does everything right, yet she is
never able to get the love or attention she
desperately desires from her man?

Most women don’t get this; in fact, most
women dress sexy, cook great meals and try to
logically convince a man to like them.

But that doesn’t work because they’re missing
the most important element of the puzzle.

That element is “EMOTION”.

If you ever want a man to feel a deep
intense, almost addictive love for you, then
you need to become emotionally in-tune with

What do I mean when I say emotionally

I basically mean that you have to connect
with the emotional part of his mind rather
than the logical part.

But how does one do that? Well, this is where
I’ll like to expose my recent discovery.

You can do it by using something called “Obsession

These are special words that sink deep into any man’s mind
& will make him ache with so much love that just thinking about
you will brings smile.

Follow this link to discover it now & hear the rest of my


Why Do Guys Watch Porn?


Ahhh, porn. It’s such a powerful force in our relationships, and it affects women and men in such different ways.

As for women, we start to worry that we don’t look hot/busty/sexy enough…

“My boyfriend looks at porn every single night. I’ve told him I don’t like it and he promised he would stop, but doesn’t he know I can just look at the history tab on his computer??! I don’t understand this, am I not sexy enough for him? I’ve even lost weight recently, and I still can’t compete.” Mae S.

“I don’t have the boobs these stripper girls have. My gf is talking about implants, and now I’m wondering if I should get those too…” — Tresha G.

In Capture His Heart and Make Him Love You Forever, I explain why “beauty” is actually only the third most important thing to men and how you can become radiantly attractive to men without having to alter your physique or torture yourself at the gym.

Or we wonder if his watching porn is the same as cheating…

“I’m so tired of his porn that I want to walk away from our relationship. When I try to talk to him about it he accuses me of being insecure, but porn makes me feel like I’m not the one he really wants. He’d rather be with his fantasy women.” Dara M.

Guys are watching a ton of porn! Should you be worried? Should you give ultimatums, or simply leave? Or is it really a problem in your relationship?

So many questions come in about porn, and it might be helpful to take a look at some of the ways men’s minds work when it comes to looking at naked women online…

A man’s sex drive runs on “rocket fuel” most of the time.

One of my guy friends told me his sex drive made him feel like he was riding a skateboard hitched to a drag racer – one that NEVER stops going.

That’s an image that stuck with me. I can imagine how crazy-out-of-control it must feel. Unless he keeps it in hand (hah), there’s gonna be collateral damage and it ain’t gonna be the drag racer that gets hurt.

The only way he can get the race car to pull off the track and into the pit for a breather…

The one surefire way to burn off some of that constant blast of sexual energy…

…is to ejaculate.

In *addition* to enjoying the hell out of having sex with you, guys masturbate to burn off fuel, when they want to relax, and when they’re restless or bored.

And hey, I’m all about a good, naughty quickie, but I don’t have time to drive over to where he works and give it to him under the desk every day. And while it’s fun once in a while, most women aren’t thrilled about being woken up in the middle of the night to give him a bj so he can get back to sleep. C’mon, there are some things a guy can handle on his own. And porn helps him do it.

The best balance here is when YOU get the best of his sexual energy, and the rest falls to him to take care of. If you want more sexual intimacy than you’re getting, believe me, communicate that and your man will be happy to oblige! If you want less, his ability to masturbate (and even if he’s not watching porn, it’s running in his head) is your friend.

You know things are out of balance when he consistently (and increasingly) chooses porn over real sex, or when he’s spending money you don’t both agree about on his online habit. Both of those are usually an indicator of a bigger problem in the relationship. In Capture His Heart, I teach you how to keep him totally focused on you as his absolute dream woman and how to figure out if he’s actually worthy of you. (LINK)

But if your relationship is actually in a reasonably good place, there’s probably no need to worry about him downloading porn videos to his phone to watch during his smoke break.

Do you have to compete with porn?

Hell, no. Hot, delicious sex (shoot, even routine sex) with a REAL naked woman is a bazillion times better than staring at a cold laptop screen and wishing, wishing…

And he’s a man. He loves to see naked women, including YOU. And you beat them all out because he gets to touch, taste, and thoroughly enjoy you, not just look…! You’re the queen, you always have been, and so long as you’re getting all the sexual attention you want, it’s a pretty good bet that porn will never replace you.

In addition, his watching porn has nothing to do with your breast size. Even if you had sex with him eleven times a day, he’d STILL want to see more naked women. More bouncy breasts, more temptingly rounded asses, more sexy ladies with no clothes on. It has nothing to do with YOUR beautiful curves, it has to do with his appetite.

Think of it like a cooking show. Girl, I can watch a cooking show all day long (and I don’t even have a tv, but I see these shows at the gym and at my friends’ houses). Don’t even get me started on those dudes who do the demos at the State Fair, because I’m mesmerized by them. Does it mean I don’t appreciate when my friends have me over for dinner? No. Does it mean I don’t feel treasured and cared for when my man takes me out to a really nice restaurant? Of course not, that would be silly.

But I am a foodie, and I just love me some cooking shows. Not as much as a great meal… But fortunately, I don’t have to choose. I can enjoy BOTH, and the cooking show will never mind when I turn it off to go enjoy some fresh local seafood with my guy. And I’m never going to turn down a date with a man for an hour with Paula Deen, and I don’t care HOW much butter she uses.

Is porn cheating?

I have one male friend who swears he never looks at porn. He feels that even his sexual fantasies should feature his woman as the (only) star of the show. That feels a bit extreme to me, and you’ll have your own opinion, I’m sure.

My personal position (I see you tryn’a sneak a joke in here) is that watching porn is not cheating so long as YOU are still the center of his real-life sexual universe.

Porn should be no different to him than your cinematic movie crushes (and the cooking show channel) are to you – entertaining, but not something to become a stalker over.

C’mon, Channing Tatum is good to look at (although I’m partial to Matt McConaughey myself), but would you rather spend more time in the movie theater… or snuggled up with a guy who is dying to kiss you all the way from the nape of your neck down to your sexy little instep, with a few slow and delicious stops in between?

That’s what I thought you’d say. Too bad for Channing and Johnny.

Bob Proctor Rock – star. (Wait, or is that one word?)

Two words…

Rock – star. (Wait, or is that one word?)

Doesn’t matter! My good friend is one, and you’re about to discover why.

She just released an [explosive new video] with an incredible interview with none other than one of the masters of success himself, Bob Proctor…

ut what’s even more intriguing is that in the video she tells the private insider story of how she and her partner, Glen, went from “down and out” down under in Australia, to living the life of their dreams in California.

And let me tell you, it was a remarkable, rocky and downright exciting adventure!

Plus, just for watching, Natalie’s throwing in something really special.

6 Pre-Made Mind Movies, specifically designed to cover the most important areas in your life!

• Courage & Confidence
• Loving & Appreciating Myself
• Attracting Friends & A Great Social Life
• Vibrant Health
• Inner Peace
• (And last, but certainly NOT least) Wealth Abundance!

It’s $234 worth of awesomeness…

You see a Mind Movie is the ultimate visualization tool combining motivating music, positive affirmations and inspiring images, allowing you to manifest your best life in just a few short minutes a day!

My advice? Go watch the fantastic video Natalie’s created and grab your free gift at the same time.

If you’re anything like me, you’re gonna love it.

Don’t wait, go here right now.


Nat tells me there’s more to come… so stay tuned!

The #1 Reason Your Dreams are Failing…



It’s amazing. We try so hard every day to become
successful. Many of us just feel like our lives are
getting worse and worse.


The same was happening with a friend of mine
about 3 years ago. Actually forget dreams, his
life got SO bad he almost died – more than once!

But, here’s what saved his life:

GO Future of Wealth

I’m not making this up when I say that it may be
one of my most favorite videos of all time.

In this video, he REVEALS a POISON that we ALL

have in our minds – trust me, even I found myself
to have it. He also shows you how that poison can
lead to a total demise.

I’m incredibly grateful that I caught it when I did.
If you do nothing else today, trust me – watch this

GO Future of Wealth

See you there!

Johnny Montain

How to Master the Inner Game of Wealth

Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to attract wealth so easily no matter what the economy is doing… while others always seem to struggle just to get by? For the most part, the reason for this isn’t due to their level of intelligence, education or work ethic. It has to do with the beliefs you have inside of your subconscious mind. Often, the beliefs you have about money and wealth that reside in your subconscious mind will either help or hinder you in your pursuit for prosperity in ways that you don’t even consciously realize.

The good news is that if you’d like to create more financial prosperity, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to assist you.

Here are 3 steps that will help you do just that:

Tip #1: Understand that money is “neutral”

We often project our emotions and beliefs onto money. But the fact is that money is neither good or bad. It’s merely a form of neutral energy that you exchange for things that you need or desire.

The first step to attracting more money is to stop criticizing it. Understanding that it’s neutral on it’s own will allow you to shift yourself into a higher vibration, which will help put you on the path to increased prosperity.

Tip #2: Create a clear intention

Even though many people desire to have more money, on a subconscious level many believe in some form of the statement “money is the root of all evil.”

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

As I said a moment ago, money is neither good or bad on it’s own. It’s what you choose to do with it that determines the kind of energy that you put out into the world.

If you suspect that you have a subconscious belief that money is somehow bad, to help loosen it’s grip, set a clear intention as to why you’d like to attract more money.

Do you intend to use money to help yourself or others? Or to do the opposite? Be clear on what you intend, and this will continue to raise your vibration and help you manifest more money more easily.

Tip #3: Accept that there’s nothing wrong with desiring to have more money

. You can grab your FREE wealth manifestation e-course right here.For some reason, a lot of people seem to experience shame around admitting that they want more money – to themselves and to others.

But as Joseph Murphy once said “You are not here to dress in rags and go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous and successful.”

There’s nothing virtuous about being poor, just as there’s nothing virtuous about being wealthy. Again, both are neutral.

But when you have money in the bank and you’re free from financial distraction, you have the resources to help others and the freedom to spend your time giving back to your family or your community.

So I say again – there’s nothing wrong with desiring to have more money. Be honest about it, both to yourself and others, and you’ll send a clear message to the Universe of what you’d like to manifest.

If you’d like to learn more about how to attract more money into your life, I highly recommend that you grab a copy of my friend Anik Singal’s free 7-part e-course.

Regularly $97, Anik is giving away copies right now for a limited time. You can grab your FREE wealth manifestation e-course right here.


I am ecstatic that you have taken the first step towards using visualization and the Law of Attraction to change your life. I have prepared three full length Abundant Mind visualization videos for you to try out. These three videos are just a small fraction of our 45+ video collection. You can access every single full length video if you join Mind today.

Abundant Mind visualization videos are unique manifestation movies that will leave a lasting positive impact on you. Please be aware that headphones ARE required to get the intended effect of this and all subliminal manifestation movies that we produce.

If you have struggled to use the Law of Attraction in the past, be prepared to see a serious change after putting these videos to work in your own life. Unlike vision boards and so called “visualization videos” that just feature boring still images, music and text, Abundant Mind visualization videos feature four scientifically proven techniques to breakthrough any conscious barriers in your mind, and start to affect you on a subconscious level.

If you are truly ready and willing to start using the Law of Attraction…

  • To make more money
  • To manifest perfect relationships
  • To experience boundless happiness
  • To live a long life of prosperity and abundance

Then you NEED to join  Mind and start using the most effective visualization tools available online.

Our videos have touched the lives of tens of thousands of people, empowering them to use their own minds to harness the ultimate power in the universe, the power of the Law of Attraction. Join the thousands of people who are making the Law of Attraction work for them by integrating our unique collection of visualization videos into their lives.

How To Use These Videos:

In order to get the full effect of the binaural beats featured in the videos, headphones are required. Videos should be watched in a quiet place, free of distraction. I recommend that you watch these videos at least twice per day until you start feeling a change within. Remember that these videos are not magic, change will not happen overnight. They are meditation tools to help you visualize your goals, and manifest your dreams using the Law of Attraction.

It’s important that you document how you feel after watching this video, and continue to document changes that feel occurring in your life after incorporating our subliminal videos into your life.

If you are finally ready to take control of your destiny and start living the life you want to live, your journey starts now, with the five free Abundant Mind visualization videos found below.

Sincerely, Johnny


When you have a Millionaire Mindset, you are able to view money as just something that comes to you, as something that is always at your disposal. Always having money “just is”, and it becomes second nature. But along with being able to attract the people and situations needed to accumulate money, you have be able to handle your money like a millionaire. You have to be responsible with it, make sure it’s working for you, make sure it’s being invested correctly, and make sure the taxes are handled correctly. Hey, if you want real money, you have have a mindset that handles it for real.



Sonia Ricotti


THEME: “Bounce Back BIG in 2015!”

Launch date of the webinar
Get Ready to Participate in another PHENOMENAL Unsinkable “Webinar” Launch that will Offer Your Mailing List Something of GREAT VALUE (for Free!) that will Help them Get Through Difficult TimesPLUS…

Make YOU a Ton of Commission!


First mailing date
Second mailing date
** So do your best to get 2 mailings scheduled BEFORE the webinar airs (the webinar airs on January 2nd). You can also mail on the morning of January 2nd.**
**'ll have the opportunity to support all of these additional follow-up marketing pieces
Big CLOSE OUT EVENT (4 Hour Webcast)
Webinar topic you'll be promoting

The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back…Instantly
(and Higher than Ever), When Life Knocks You Down

Screenshot of the 3 steps webinar

If you want to see a replay of the webinar. You can view it here at:

We are still testing other shorter versions too, (and different price points) to ensure the highest conversion rates.

Products being promoted via the webinar
Products being promited

you want to get more details about the product itself, you can simply go to this link:

We have collaborated with several industry leaders; including Centerpointe (Holosync Technology), Mark Romero, and Enriching Visions Technology, to create the most phenomenal product possible. This is a product that people are loving and getting incredible results with.

There is no other product like this anywhere out there.

You will receive 50% commission on all sales that you refer.

Plus, we will also be adding an upsell product too, so that will translate intoeven more commissions for you!

You will receive 50% commission on all upsell sales too!

We are currently working on the details of the upsell product as we speak.

What people are saying aboyt the webinar

“Hi Sonia!!!!! This was totally incredible. I already have Ur book and listened to Ur teleseminars season 2, but this was AWESOME. Good clear and concise content. HOPEFUL LOVING JOYFUL vibrations all the way through. Yayyy Sonia :)). Thank U!!” – Karin

“Sonia the webinar was fantastic! The tools you gave us are remarkable. I took a lot of notes and am thankful for your generosity with your program. The addition of life stories and examples are so valuable and made all of the information so clear. Thank you, thank you, Thank you.” – Elena

“Excellent webinar, Sonia! The time just flew by..I really enjoyed it. The most important thing I learned from you is: Just Be. Thanks again.” – Jo-Ann

“Thank you, Sonia! Excellent Webinar with Transformational info! Your presentation was clear, concise, and Truly from your heart! Thank you, once again, for helping enhance the lives of those you have touched! Blessings!” – Rhonda

“Sonia, I just want to thank you for your Unsinkable webinar! It was BY FAR the best webinar I have ever seen (and I’ve seen lots of webinars).” – George

What people are sying about the unsinkable bounce back system

“The Unsinkable Bounce Back Program took me from crisis to calm in 7 days!…Thank you a thousand times Sonia!” – Sheila

“Hi Sonia, I received my second miracle. This is a course of miracles. It is what I ask and I receive it. I had a big problem with my house that I couldn’t fix it without investing a lot of money but it is gone by magic. How cool is that. Thank you so much for your course. My money was well invested. And when I have a problem I tried to send love to receive a miraculous solution, and it works.” – Lucies

“Hi, my miracle is that a deep and long held resentment I had for someone has disappeared! Even when I ‘allow’ myself to indulge in ungracious thoughts I can’t do it anymore. I am aware instead of a surge of compassion towards that person and I am asking for forgiveness for my previously nasty thoughts. This after only 10 days is quite a transformation. I find too that I can’t go to sleep without listening to your meditations. Mark’s music is gorgeous and uplifting. Thank you so so much for creating this wonderful program, which has already brought me so much peace and positivity.” – Ruth

“I just want to say that I can feel my energy shifting. I have gone from almost feeling hopeless resignation and anxiety to believing in myself with a sense of excitement for what my future holds!” – Barbara

“I’m on the second day of the program, the AM & PM are really wonderful and I have felt a shift in my vibration already, just feel excited and have this buzzy feel! Thank you for this Sonia, you really got me when I heard your webinar and I felt I had to go for it!” – Joanna

“Had my miracle happen yesterday, an ultra sound scan revealed after suffering with a painful 7cm ovarian cyst for months and months, it has disappeared completely! Started the bounce back system a week ago today and I feel very different already, this news for me yesterday was just fantastic! Thank you Sonia for your no nonsense guidance. I’m carrying on with this for sure… And the negative husband is a little better too, bonus!” – Joanna

Some Of Our Unsinkable

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Much Success,

Johnny Montain

Today I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective “Manifestation Formula”

This will FORCE the universe to give you the
life of your dreams – money, happiness, success,
and more…

Follow this link to discover it…

==> Number 1 secret to manifest your dream life [YOUR LINK GOES HERE]

I am talking about the kind of life that most
people only ever fantasize and dream about.

The kind where you make more in a month than
you used to in a year…

The kind where other people are inspired by you
and want to impress YOU…

…Where you make your wildest dreams become a

==> Click here to discover this secret [YOUR LINK GOES HERE]

This secret will literally force the universe to
give you all the tools that you need to create
financial, emotional and spiritual abundance…

…Without hard work or struggle.

You’ll achieve your wealth, health, relationships,
and other personal goals…

…And life will all of a sudden get super
exciting, you’ll find it hard to sleep as you’ll
be so excited about each new day to come…

==> Manifest your dream life now

See you soon,

Johnny Montain

P.S. You will find yourself shocked and amazed
the very first time you use this secret.